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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Facebook will stop revenge porn from being shared by using photo matching

Facebook made a new system today.Now facebook will take action if someone will
share revenge porn,this one is not only on facebook but through messenger and
on instagram as well,but it will not on whatsapp.

When Facebook already take down an image that has previously been reported,
Company wrote in a blog,that image will be flagged by the system, and the
sharer will be alerted ,in most cases it disables accounts that share
intimate images without permission.The Company will use  photo-matching
technology if someone reported and it will removed on its own rule and stop
to reshareing them it will warn to people  that the photo they are trying to
share or upload violates its policies.

This new process will help for many victims of image based sexual abuse.The
company has given way to remove revenge porn images from its platforms,
but issues still plague it.And facebook also has offered  a special reporting
mechanism in its Help Center for victims.

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